Strategic HR topics are at the centre of my consulting activities. Based on my profound experience I consult Board Members, CEO’s , Members of Executive Boards of both, listed and non-listed companies as well as of foundations and public bodies on strategic HR topics. Often those are strongly intertwined with strategy and structure. This is for example the case when I consult on succession topics, assessments or mentoring of executives or entire teams.
Philosophy and Consulting Approach
Companies with a long-term successful and sustainable track record distinguish themselves through a strong and positive corporate culture. This culture has been formed by strong leaders, initially the founders and later on, depending on the circumstances, by the owner family but certainly by the Board and the CEO and his leadership team. The careful selection und support of these personalities and the high potentials are key for the sustained and long-term success of these companies. The well-known management thinker Peter Drucker already highlighted that years ago by making the statement: ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’.
My experience in consulting Boards and Executives has confirmed that repeatedly. It is my passion to help ensure the distinctive added value in these critical moments.
Consulting Services
(For confidentiality reasons I shall refrain from naming clients)
Board Review
A professional Board Review ensures that the Board acts in an optimal way as a team. The OECD Guidelines as well as the UK Corporate Governance Code require that a Board Review must be undertaken with the support of a competent and independent external advisor. When conducting a Board Review I have a confidential two hours structured dialogue with each Board Member as well as with the CEO and CFO and, depending on the circumstances, also with other members of the Executive Board. After a thorough analysis the results are presented to the entire board (for more details and insights see also the articles which have been published jointly with Prof. Dr. Bühler in the NZZ on January 7, 2020 and in EXPERT FOCUS 20/9, p. 636 ff.).
Succession Planning
A careful and timely succession planning is at the core of the long-term success of any company or entity. Apart from the time horizon, the available talents and their development as well as the corporate strategy and culture should be taken into account. This analysis is also the basis for the decision as to if and to what extent external candidates could or should be considered.
Executive Search Process
Based on my profound experience in national and international executive search I support my clients in their search for external candidates. Either I execute the search myself or alternatively I support the client in the execution of the search mandate. This starts with the definition and refining of the search profile, the selection of the best-suited executive search firm and the fee negotiations up to the assessment of suitable candidates. Finally, I support the salary negotiations and the integration process for the selected candidate (see also «Executive Mentoring»).
Sparring partner for strategic HR topics
Chairmen/-women, Entrepreneurs, CEO’s and Members of the Executive Board for obvious reasons often feel rather lonely when it comes to dealing with important cultural, structural or people decisions. They often lack the opportunity to discuss those critical topics with an experienced and neutral person. Based on my profound and international experience I may serve as sparring partner to discuss and challenge the topic at hand so that an optimal solution can be reached.
Team Effectiveness Review
Even well-functioning teams often don’t exploit their full potential. The goal of a Team Effectiveness Review is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of a leadership team. This implies improving communication, raising hidden potentials, identifying potential conflicts and helping to resolve them. The Team Effectiveness Review is based on intensive and structured interviews with all team members. Depending on the circumstances, an IT based analysis tool is also used. The analysis of the discussions is the base for a workshop with the team aiming at increasing the overall performance.
My assessments focus on the development of the executives assessed. They are based on structured interviews and are supported, where possible, by in depth reference checks. My longstanding experience in a national and international context ensures that the assessment is a reliable basis for the decision. In addition, it is also very helpful for the future professional development of the person assessed.
Executive Mentoring
Executive Mentoring covers both, the needs of the Executive individually and of the company. This includes constructive feedback to support the Executive in the future development of his/her potential.
The Executive Mentoring is also very helpful when it comes to integrating a new Executive in the company. It ensures a smooth integration and enables him/her to ‘hit the ground running’.
Peter Baltensperger
Dr. iur. / RA, MBA (Insead)
Professional Background and Experience
Baltensperger Consulting GmbH (since 2017)
Independent Consulting activity with focus on topics where my passion is and where I can make best use my profound professional experience hence creating the best value for my clients.
Board member Ed. Geistlich Söhne AG für die chemische Industrie; Board member Plankton First AG; Member of the Foundation Board for applied cancer research (SAKF).
Senior Partner and consultant with Egon Zehnder (1990-2017); coordinator of the Swiss Board Practice and member of the Global Board Practice Group. My industry focus included the areas of banking, industry in general, consumer goods and the services industry. I was founder and leader of the Global Services Practice Group (transportation/logistics/travel/hospitality/business services/BPO/real estate/professional services).
My consulting experience with Egon Zehnder covered executive search focusing on CEO’s, members of Executive Boards, Board Members but also on entire management teams or Boards. Further, assessments in the context of succession topics but very much also in the context of mergers and acquisitions. In the last years as Senior Partner, I coordinated the Swiss Board Practice leading numerous mandates on board level.
After my Ph.D. in law I graduated with an MBA from Insead. I passed my bar exam in parallel to starting my career as investment banker with Credit Suisse (1985-1990).